My opinion of the best (and worst) local restaurants, bars, parks, subways, grocery stores, etc. etc. etc. - and the reviews that follow.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Starbuck's - 2nd Avenue/9th Street - Meet EVIL.

Admonition and warning to all people who value their sanity and their dignity - DO NOT SET FOOT IN THIS STARBUCK'S LOCATION.  Follow-up warning - due to the graphic nature of the emotion streaming through this particular blog entry, I urge those who can't handle the truth to avert their eyes immediately.  
I like coffee, a lot.  Once in a while, I like to really shake things up and put a little latte in my life.  I also enjoy Starbuck's cinnamon dolce latte and pumpkin spice latte.  The most convenient Starbuck's to my former place of habitation was the 2nd Avenue/9th Street location, otherwise known as HELL. 
One fine winter day, my co-latte enjoyer and I took a stroll to said Starbuck's.  The store was empty, despite this, we waited a solid five minutes standing in front of the cash register employee before she finally looked up.  When she did look up, she looked up as though we were the ones wasting her time.  She never once said "how can I help you" or "what would you like" or any other sort of phrase that would indicate she was ready to take our order.  Finally, annoyed, she said "Yes?" and each of us ordered separately a Grande Skim Pumpkin Spice Latte, no foam, and no whip cream.  My co-latte enjoyer also was parched and asked for a cup of water.  Relieved that my drink order was finally taken, I proceeded to the designated area where you wait for your drink.  Again, one would think that since there was no one ahead of us our drinks would be made pretty soon after they were ordered.  Oh how wrong we were. 
The barista - let's just call him EVIL as to avoid any confusion with who I am referring to - must have some sort of condition that only allows him to frown or scowl and also only allows him to make inaudible noises rather than words.  EVIL looked at our drink order, made a few noises that sounded like a goose attacking a pedestrian and made our latte's.  Once done with our latte's, the natural progression is to put them on the drink counter, perhaps call out the persons name on the cup, and that is that.  No, no, no.  I learned a valuable life lesson that fine winter day, this is EVIL's pond and we are just trying to doggy paddle the heck out of it.  EVIL left our latte's sitting in their respective cups, uncovered, while he went on to refill some syrups, clean a machine, eat some bread that passerby's threw into his mouth, scowl, etc.  After a few minutes, I politely asked EVIL if we could have our beverages.  He looked at me as though I had asked him to smile or speak.  He covered our drinks and put them on the counter without a word, not even an apology for the delay.  I picked up my beverage and noticed that it seemed a little light for a grande.  By light, I mean, it felt like a cup of air.  I took off the top of my latte and noticed that 1/2 of the cup consisted of FOAM.  So, not only did EVIL take about 3 hours to finish my beverage, but he didn't even give me what I ordered! 
After informing EVIL that my cup was filled with air, he scooped out the foam and poured some leftover cold milk into my drink.  Mmmmm exactly what I wanted!  My co-latte enjoyer then asked EVIL for that cup of water ordered earlier.  He literally looked at her, did not say a word, and walked into the back room.  I took this as a sign that we should get the F out of there. 
I was so disturbed by my experience that I decided to write a letter to Starbuck's customer service and explain the events and the behavior of the employees at this location, especially EVIL.  I definitely did not want anyone to lose their job, but it seems to me that if people are going to continue to pay high prices for Starbuck's beverages maybe a little refresher in customer service is not a bad idea.  In return, I received a letter of apology and two free beverage coupons.
Flash forward a few months.  I have a hard time learning my lesson sometimes.  I make the same mistakes over and over - especially when it comes to food and drinks.  I promise myself each time that it won't happen again, IT WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN, then I find myself in a corner, shivering, crying, and shaking my fist at the sky after it does happen again.  I also have a hard time not being dramatic when discussing establishments that have sent me into a spiral of emotions. 
So, a few months later, my co-latte enjoyer and I decided to use our free drink coupons.  Going against my gut, I decide to give the 2nd Avenue/9th Street Bucky's another shot.  Again, this location was fairly empty (now I know why).  We each ordered Venti latte's together and requested no foam.  Now, you would think since we were paying with a free coupon that we received as a result of poor customer service that maybe, just maybe, the employees would try to do something right.   
The cash register employee did greet us, so I guess that was an improvement.  As luck would have it, EVIL was our barista.  Unfortunately, same old EVIL, making odd noises, scowling, and this time he even added a new touch, slamming equipment around in what I can only assume was caffeine induced insanity.  I have come to realize that EVIL's signature touch to the beverages he produces is to let them sit for a few minutes before he puts the lids on and hands them over to the customers.  Again, my NO FOAM latte was filled 1/2 way with FOAM.  This time EVIL just scooped out the foam and handed it back to me, he didn't even replace the empty space with anything.  Before I could ask otherwise, EVIL stormed into the back again.  I still have no idea what his intent is when he goes into the back room after a customer request and I never want to find out.  Again, I wrote a letter to customer service, informing them that they really need to take action as to this location.  This time I received three free drink coupons. 
I have not been back to this particular Starbuck's location.  I do not plan to ever step foot in that location again.  I can't even look at it when I walk down 2nd Avenue without getting the chills and feeling the glare of EVIL upon me.
I end with some wise words of a former esteemed leader of the free world:  "There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you.  Fool me - you can't get fooled again."

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